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Here you can find all lookup results for private IP address which is located in a class E network with reserved IP range

When designing the Internet addressing architecture, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) have reserved various Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and networks of various sizes (/8, /24 etc.) for special purposes or for future use.
Some are used for multicast traffic, for maintaining routing tables, for IPv4 to IPv6 translation, or to provide addressing space for public and unrestricted uses on private networks.

Technical details

IP address  
OptionsSee your own public address
Address type Reserved
Protocol versionIPv4
Network classClass E
Conversions 4193275904 (decimal / iplong)
f9f05000 (hex / base 16)
249240800 (numeric)
Reverse DNS
CIDR block249.240.80.0/24
Network range249.240.80.0-
Network ID249.240.80.0
Broadcast address