On this page, you can find all the information we have gathered on public IP address, which is owned by Microsoft Azure. We provide these details free of charge and for personal investigation purposes. We have included facts like network details such as DNS and hostname, but also detailed location information. We answer questions like what is Who is behind it and what is its reputation?
Another great feature you have access to, is that when there is a web server installed and running
on the hardware using this IP, we can detect which primary website is served. We do this by checking
its HTTP (80) or HTTPS (443) ports. And if it is a shared IP, we can even help you identify the
other websites. This is especially helpful when you are doing research and question the intents
of a website, making sure it’s safe.
Most of the respectable and professional internet businesses take their
online presence very seriously and serve their websites from dedicated environments. Being directly served
from a shared server with lots of websites could mean it’s still a small business or even a shady
one, especially if the other websites look exactly the same, only with a different domain name.
There are however exceptions when they are using a service like a CDN or reverse proxy, which are
popular with developers. They use these services to increase the speed of a website, thus reducing
the time it takes to load it, but also to limit the impact when the website is targeted for a
DDoS attack. The companies offering these services tend to have an extreme amount of network capacity
to automatically fend off an attack. It is also very useful to improve the scalability of a website.
As you were searching for, we can already let you know
that we've found no websites
running from it.
We also see a lot of our visitors searching for login details for the admin interface based on
the searched IP-addresses. Unfortunately, we do not provide these for public interfaces, as this
could be considered unethical. Our website does however provide default factory credentials for
routers, but only through the private interface.